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What Stay-at-Home Parents Need to Know About Divorce

 Posted on July 13, 2023 in Divorce

b2ap3_thumbnail_Untitled-32.jpgGetting a divorce can be a complex and difficult process, regardless of the situation. However, for stay-at-home parents, the divorce process can involve a variety of unique concerns and considerations. From financial concerns to child-related issues, stay-at-home parents need to be aware of their rights and options when going through a divorce.


The Importance of Legal Representation

When facing a divorce, the assistance of an experienced divorce lawyer can be crucial for a stay-at-home parent. An attorney who is knowledgeable about the ins and outs of Illinois family law can provide guidance and support throughout the legal process, ensuring that the best interests of the parent and children are protected. As a parent, your attorney can help negotiate child custody arrangements, determine child support obligations, advocate for a fair division of assets, and determine whether spousal support may be appropriate.

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Dealing with the Emotional Impact of Divorce

 Posted on July 12, 2023 in Divorce

Mt. Prospect divorce attorneyManaging the many emotions you experience during your divorce can be an incredibly challenging and draining experience. Even if the divorce is something you want, the end of your marriage can bring forth a range of intense feelings, including sadness, anger, fear, and confusion. Effectively managing these emotions is important, and it can ensure that you will be able to navigate the divorce process in a healthy and constructive manner. The following are some tips that may help:

Do Not Suppress Your Emotions

First and foremost, you should recognize the importance of acknowledging and accepting the emotions that you may encounter. Divorce is a significant life transition, and you are likely to experience a wide array of emotions during this time. Allowing yourself to feel and process these emotions can be cathartic, and it can help prevent negative feelings from building up and causing further distress.

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Does the State of Illinois Favor Mothers in Child Custody Cases?

 Posted on June 29, 2023 in Child Custody

Hoffman Estates fathers' rights attorneyIn Illinois, no legal presumption favors mothers over fathers in child custody cases. Both parents have equal parental rights, and the Court makes decisions about the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time based on the child’s best interests. In cases where parents are unmarried, establishing paternity will ensure that a father will be able to assert his parental rights, and until the father is named the child’s legal parent, the mother may have sole custody of a child.

What Factors Does the Court Consider in Child Custody Cases?

When determining how issues related to child custody will be addressed, the Court may consider various factors to determine what arrangements will be in the best interests of the child. The issues considered may include the:

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5 Key Issues Divorcing Parents Should Address in 2023

 Posted on June 26, 2023 in Divorce

Rolling Meadows parenting plan attorneyOur world has changed dramatically in the past decade. From the COVID-19 pandemic to the rise in sophisticated technology, our lives have been changed in ways that we never imagined. As a result, there are more considerations than ever for divorcing parents to keep in mind as they prepare for their separation.

If you are getting divorced, your parenting plan will include decisions about the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time, information about your right to access child-related records, provisions addressing future modifications of the parenting plan, and much more. However, divorcing parents should not stop at the bare minimum. They may also need to address the following five key issues:

Technology and Online Safety

With the increased use of technology in children's everyday lives, online safety has become a major issue for parents to consider when creating their parenting plan. Whether agreeing on appropriate internet usage or developing guidelines for monitoring online activity, both parents should be aware of their expectations in order to ensure the safety of their children.

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Navigating the Choppy Waters of Divorce: Why Hiring a Lawyer Can Help

 Posted on June 07, 2023 in Divorce

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_32532727-min.jpgMany people considering divorce assume that keeping lawyers out of the process is the best way to reduce conflict and simplify the divorce process. They believe that hiring an attorney will mean that the divorce becomes an adversarial “me versus them” situation. However, this is not the case.

Divorce attorneys offer a multitude of benefits during divorce, and hiring a divorce lawyer does not mean that your divorce will be acrimonious. Many divorce lawyers offer alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and collaborative divorce, which focus on amicably negotiated settlements instead of litigated court processes.

State-Specific Legal Knowledge and Advice

Divorce is a complex field that requires in-depth knowledge of state-specific laws and procedures. An experienced divorce lawyer will have a comprehensive understanding of the Illinois divorce process and the legal system as a whole. From property division and parenting plans to spousal maintenance, divorce lawyers provide valuable guidance, helping you navigate the intricacies of the process and protecting your rights.

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Can a Parent’s Driver’s License Be Suspended for Not Paying Child Support?

 Posted on June 02, 2023 in Child Support

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_395639623-min.jpgUnmarried and divorced parents are often required to pay child support to their child's other parent. The amount of parent pays is based on the Income Shares Model, which considers both parents’ net incomes to determine an appropriate payment amount.

Child support is crucial for covering child-related expenses such as housing, tuition or other educational costs, extracurricular activity fees, and more. If a parent fails to comply with an Illinois child support order, the Illinois Department for Child Support Services has the authority to take enforcement actions. One such action is suspending the non-complying parent’s driver’s license.

Child Support Enforcement in Illinois

Child support is ultimately for the child. Illinois lawmakers believe that a child should receive financial support from both of their parents even if their parents are not married or have gotten divorced. Parents who fail to make their child support payments in full and on time can face various consequences.

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Can a Parent’s Driver’s License Be Suspended for Not Paying Child Support?

 Posted on May 25, 2023 in Family Law

Barrington Family Law AttorneyUnmarried and divorced parents are often required to pay child support to their child's other parent. The amount of parent pays is based on the Income Shares Model, which considers both parents’ net incomes to determine an appropriate payment amount.

Child support is crucial for covering child-related expenses such as housing, tuition or other educational costs, extracurricular activity fees, and more. If a parent fails to comply with an Illinois child support order, the Illinois Department for Child Support Services has the authority to take enforcement actions. One such action is suspending the non-complying parent’s driver’s license.

Child Support Enforcement in Illinois

Child support is ultimately for the child. Illinois lawmakers believe that a child should receive financial support from both of their parents even if their parents are not married or have gotten divorced. Parents who fail to make their child support payments in full and on time can face various consequences.

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Collaborative Divorce for Business Owners Getting Divorced in Illinois

 Posted on May 18, 2023 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyerWithout a doubt, owning a business complicates the divorce process. Unlike an employee of a company who can show his or her earnings on a weekly paycheck, business owners’ income varies significantly. Furthermore, business assets are often considered marital assets. This means that the non-owning spouse also has a right to a portion of the business’s value.

The situation becomes even more complex legally and emotionally if the spouses co-own a business together.

If you or your spouse own a business and you plan to divorce, you may want to consider using the collaborative law process to determine the division of marital property, child custody, and other divorce issues.

Benefits of the Collaborative Law Process for Business Owners

The collaborative process is a cooperative divorce resolution method during which the spouses, their attorneys, and other parties work together to resolve any disputed issues. Collaborative divorce is a popular choice for spouses who recognize their marriage is no longer salvageable, but still want to avoid an adversarial divorce litigation process.

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Five Ways Infidelity Can Influence Your Illinois Divorce

 Posted on May 04, 2023 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyerResearch shows that extramarital affairs are more common than many would suspect, and many lead to divorce. Whether it is a single instance of infidelity or a long-term secret affair, cheating can have a significant impact on a marriage. 

As you plan for your divorce, it is important to understand Illinois divorce laws and how the infidelity may impact your case. States vary significantly with regard to these matters, and laws change over time, so it is important to be educated. For personalized guidance regarding your divorce, contact an experienced divorce lawyer.

Dissipation of Assets

Unlike in other states, Illinois courts do not consider adultery or other forms of marital misconduct when determining how to divide property. In most cases, the property division process will not be affected by a spouse’s infidelity. However, there is one important exception. If a spouse spent a significant amount of money in connection with the affair, the other spouse may have a valid claim for dissipation of assets. The cheating spouse may be required to reimburse the marital estate for the dissipated funds.

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Which Spouse Continues Living in The Marital Home During the Divorce Process?

 Posted on April 28, 2023 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyerWhen a married couple decides to divorce, typically, one spouse moves out. However, significant conflict can arise when there is a disagreement about who should move out of the home. Securing an apartment or other living arrangement can be stressful and expensive. Consequently, many spouses fight to remain in the marital home. 

In this blog, we will discuss how Illinois Courts handle disagreements regarding residency during the divorce process and what you can do if you and your other spouse disagree about who should stay in the marital home during the divorce process.

An Agreement is Often the Ideal Way to Resolve Disagreements About Living Arrangements

As with many issues during divorce, reaching an agreement regarding who will stay in the marital home is often the best option for divorcing spouses. Consider working with your respective attorneys to negotiate an agreement about who will keep the home and who will move out. Your agreement can also contain instructions for how the second home will be paid for. For example, one spouse may temporarily rent an apartment during the divorce proceedings, but both spouses will split the rent 50/50.

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Introducing The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson

Nicholas W. Richardson is an experienced divorce lawyer and mediator whose comprehensive legal knowledge, commitment to clients and reputation for results bring lasting solutions to your problems.

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