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Determining Jurisdiction in Illinois Child Custody Cases

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Child Custody

Illinois child custody cases, Palatine Child Custody AttorneyQuestions regarding jurisdiction in Palatine child custody cases are common. Based on the specific circumstances of each case, the answers to these questions can differ from person to person. However, several general questions have similar answers.

What is jurisdiction?

Jurisdiction gives a Court the authority to decide a case. In Illinois, a Court has jurisdiction to decide a child custody case if Illinois is the child's home state. Therefore, a child must live in Illinois for a six-month period immediately preceding the filing of a petition.

My spouse moved out of state. Can Illinois still decide my child custody case?

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The Dissipation of a Marital Estate in Illinois Divorce

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Division of Property

dissipation of a marital estate, Palatine Divorce AttorneySomeone contemplating divorce is likely to hear this piece of advice from friends and family: “Before you file, make sure you start putting money away in a separate account for yourself. You do not want to be left with nothing.”

Although well-meaning, this is actually bad advice. Illinois prohibits intentional dissipation of a marital estate, and doing so could result in you receiving less when the marital estate is divided.

Use of Marital Funds during Palatine Divorce

Illinois is an equitable distribution state—marital assets are divided in a fair and equitable manner. While a 50-50 split is presumed to be the most equitable division, equitable does not always mean equal. A number of different factors go in to the Court’s determination of what constitutes an equitable distribution, and any one factor can tip the property division into an unequal division of a marital estate

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Study Finds Social Media Increasingly to Blame for Divorce

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Divorce

blame for divorce, social media and divorce, Palatine Divorce AttorneyIssues such as adultery, drug use or alcoholism may lead to a couple's divorce. However, a recent study has exposed one more cause — Facebook. According to the study, Facebook, which allows users to “friend” long-lost friends and ex-love interests, is the root cause of one out of every seven divorces.

Facebook and Divorce

One's casual “friend request” to a long-lost love could reignite an old flame. Another's connection with a stranger in a Facebook group might lead a spouse to abandon his or her marriage for a new “love.” Still, such scenarios do not mean that all married couples must give up Facebook or other social media sites entirely. Nor does it mean that you will leave your spouse just because your are in touch with an ex. However, if you are investing too much time on Facebook and not enough in your marriage, the following signs may suggest trouble.

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Steps to Take Following a Palatine Divorce

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Division of Property

Palatine divorce process, Palatine Divorce LawyerYour divorce decree is signed; however, the signature does not mean your work is finished. The signed order may end the marriage, but your responsibility is to tie up the loose ends.

Change Your Name

While your divorce decree may have included a provision allowing you to use a former name, there are steps you must take in order to legally change your name. To begin, you will first need to officially change your name with the Social Security Administration. A new Social Security card under your new name will be issued. Only then can you obtain a new driver’s license or state identification card and begin changing your name elsewhere.

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How to Have a Successful Co-Parenting Relationship

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Children of Divorce

co-parenting relationship, Palatine Child Custody AttorneyA Florida mother, who violated the terms of a child custody agreement by refusing to turn her four-year-old son over to the father for an agreed upon circumcision, finally consented to having the procedure done at the end of May. During the court proceeding, the judge advised the parents that as they continue to raise their son, disagreements need to be worked out through communication, and not by taking the law into their own hands.

Advice, however, is sometimes easier to give than to take. When a relationship ends because the spouses cannot get along, how are they supposed to work together to raise their children?

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Impact of Illinois Adoption on Child Custody and Child Support

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Children of Divorce

Illinois adoption, stepparent adoption, Palatine Child Custody AttorneyStepparents commonly adopt their stepchildren, and in the vast majority of these cases, the relationship continues for the duration of the parent and child’s life, as it does in any adoption. Yet stepparents, while divorcing their spouse, may attempt to renounce the adopted child as their own in order to get out of paying child support.

Normally, a stepparent does not have a duty to financially support his stepchildren, nor does he have an obligation to pay child support in the event of divorce. However, the act of adoption creates a legal obligation, even though the marriage to the child’s biological parent has ended.

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Fault Divorce in Illinois

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Division of Property

fault divorce in Illinois, Palatine Family Law AttorneyAll U.S. states now have no-fault grounds for divorce. However, Illinois is somewhat unusual — in that Illinois also currently provides for fault-based grounds for divorce. Obtaining a no-fault divorce in Illinois generally requires a two-year waiting period. Fault divorces are quicker, however, and require no waiting period. Still, the spouse seeking a divorce does have to prove fault, which can be difficult.


Illinois law provides for several different fault-based grounds for divorce and include the following:

No-Fault Divorce in Illinois

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Divorce

no-fault divorce in Illinois, Palatine Divorce AttorneyIn addition to allowing for fault-based divorce, the state of Illinois allows no-fault divorce, based on a couple’s “irreconcilable differences.” A no-fault divorce may be pursued if neither spouse was at fault — there was no cruelty, infidelity, bigamy, abandonment, drug or alcohol abuse, etc.

If you simply do not want to air your dirty laundry in Court, or do not want to go through the stress of a trial and having to prove fault, then a no-fault divorce may be your best option.


To obtain a no-fault divorce in Illinois, a couple must fulfill three requirements:

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The Effects of Obergefell on Illinois Couples

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Divorce

same-sex Illinois couples, Palatine Divorce LawyerWith the recent historic Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, same-sex marriage is now legal everywhere in the United States. While legal in Illinois for over a year, the effect for couples who may want to move or travel out of Illinois is significant.

Same-Sex Marriage in Illinois

In 2013, the state legislature approved same-sex marriage in Illinois. Effective as of June 2014, the law allows for same-sex marriage while protecting religious liberties and provides that religious groups may choose which marriage ceremonies to perform; they may not be sued if they refuse to perform a same-sex marriage.

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Calculating Spousal Support in Illinois

 Posted on December 00, 0000 in Divorce

calculating spousal support, Palatine Family Law AttorneyThe calculation of spousal maintenance, or alimony, has become increasingly inconsistent in recent years due to the large amount of discretion given to individual judges in assigning awards. However, in 2014, the Illinois legislature passed an amendment to the state’s alimony law. The new law works to limit individual judges’ discretion in alimony awards by providing judges with a specific set of spousal maintenance guidelines to follow when making their rulings.

The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act

Prior to the passage of the amendments to the Marriage Act, Judges determined whether a spouse was entitled to alimony based on factors listed in the Illinois statutes. These factors included:

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Nicholas W. Richardson is an experienced divorce lawyer and mediator whose comprehensive legal knowledge, commitment to clients and reputation for results bring lasting solutions to your problems.

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