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Legal Considerations To Be Aware of in a Second Marriage

 Posted on October 22, 2021 in Premarital Agreement

palatine family law attorney Divorce often creates an opportunity for a second chance at love. If you are engaged to be married, and the union is your second or third marriage, you are likely excited and enthusiastic about the upcoming wedding. However, it is important to remember that marriage is a legal partnership. Consequently, you should be aware of the legal concerns you may face.

Your Marriage Can Influence Spousal Support and Child Support

Spousal support or spousal maintenance is usually ordered for a specific length of time. However, spousal maintenance almost always terminates when a recipient gets remarried – even if the original spousal maintenance order was intended to last longer. You are obligated to notify the paying party, your former spouse, at least 30 days before the marriage. This gives him or her time to file a motion to terminate spousal maintenance.

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Can I Date Others While I Am Going Through a Divorce?

 Posted on October 18, 2021 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyerFor many, divorce marks the beginning of a new adventure. Unhappy spouses who finally decide to end their marriages may be excited and anxious to start their new post-divorce lives. If you are like many people getting divorced, you may wonder, “When is it a good time to start dating?” You may worry that dating before the divorce is final could count as adultery or negatively impact your divorce case. While the decision to date during divorce is completely up to you, you must consider how dating before the divorce is finalized may influence the divorce’s outcome.

Dating Before Finances are Separated Could Lead to Dissipation of Assets

There is no rule that says you cannot date before your divorce is completed. However, you should know that Illinois law allows spouses to file “dissipation of assets” claims if their spouse wastes or misuses marital funds prior to the divorce. One way to ensure that you do not accidentally commit dissipation of assets is to separate your finances and file for divorce before you spend any money on a new boyfriend or girlfriend.

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How Does Wealth Impact an Illinois Divorce Case?

 Posted on October 04, 2021 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyerMany people assume that having money makes everything easier. However, owning high-value assets can actually make your divorce case much more complicated. If you or your spouse have a high income or own substantial assets, you must understand how this wealth will impact your divorce case. The division of property and debts, child support, spousal support, and other divorce issues are largely determined by the parties’ financial circumstances. Consequently, it is important for high-net-worth spouses to work with a divorce lawyer familiar with the types of challenges commonly encountered in high net worth divorce cases.

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Cryptocurrency Like Bitcoin May Be Used to Hide Assets in a Divorce

 Posted on September 30, 2021 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyerDigital currency or “cryptocurrency” has skyrocketed in popularity in the last few years. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Cardano, Ethereum, and Tether rely on cryptography to secure and verify transactions. The currency is not regulated by the government or tied to any bank. Unfortunately, these features make cryptocurrency a popular choice for spouses who wish to hide assets in a divorce.

Financial Fraud in an Illinois Divorce

Nearly every part of a divorce case is affected by finances – especially in a high net worth divorce. Even if spouses reach an out-of-court property division settlement, the agreement they come to is dependent on each spouse’s income, assets, and liabilities. Child support and spousal support are also calculated using each spouse’s financial circumstances. A spouse who wishes to sway the divorce outcome in his or her favor may underreport assets or “hide” assets by transferring the assets to another party. Because cryptocurrency does not show up on a bank statement, it is increasingly used to conceal wealth in divorce cases.

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How Can Divorcing Parents Resolve Custody Disputes in Illinois?

 Posted on September 20, 2021 in Child Custody

palatine divorce lawyerAs a parent, you want the absolute best for your child. This includes the best possible child custody arrangement after a divorce. However, many divorcing parents disagree about what is best for their children. This blog explores some of the most popular dispute resolution methods for parents who disagree about parental responsibilities and parenting time. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for child custody disputes. The right approach will depend on your relationship with your soon-to-be-ex, your child’s needs, and a variety of other factors.

Family Law Mediation May Help You Resolve Child Custody Disagreements

A family law mediator is trained in conflict resolution, de-escalation tactics, and communication skills. During a child custody dispute, the mediator’s job is to help parents discuss child custody issues, find common ground, and reach compromises. Understandably, many parents have strong opinions about their children and can sometimes let their emotions cloud their judgment. The mediator helps parents avoid contention and stay focused on finding a solution.

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Can I Get an Annulment If the Marriage Has Not Been Consummated?

 Posted on September 15, 2021 in Annulments

palatine divorce lawyerGetting married is a major decision that should not be taken lightly. However, even the most cautious individuals can find themselves in a marriage that they regret. Whether you were pressured into marrying by a well-meaning relative, you misjudged the situation, or you were just acting impulsively, regretting a marriage is an unfortunate situation to find yourself in.

If you recently wed and you regret it, you may wonder if you can get the marriage annulled instead of ending the marriage through divorce. Perhaps you have heard a rumor that a marriage can be annulled as long as it is not “consummated,” meaning the couple has not had sexual intercourse yet. Read on to learn about the criteria for annulments in Illinois and what you should do if you regret saying “I do.”

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Understanding the Risk of Escalation When Divorcing an Abusive Spouse

 Posted on September 03, 2021 in Domestic Violence

palatine divorce lawyerWomen and men of every race, age, and income level can become victims of domestic violence. While many stay silent about the abuse, physical, mental, and sexual abuse is not uncommon in Illinois and across the United States. Studies show that approximately 42 percent of women and 26 percent of men in Illinois have experienced intimate partner violence at least once in their lives. If you are in an abusive marriage and you want to divorce, you need to prepare for the possibility of escalation.

What is Escalation?

The National Domestic Hotline describes escalation as the sudden or gradual worsening of the abuse. Many abusive people derive a sense of power and control by harming their victims. When the victim takes steps to stand up for themselves or leave the abuser, the abuser may fear losing this power and control. They may escalate their behavior. For example, a husband who has typically used insults and threats to control his wife may begin physically abusing her when she takes steps to leave him. Approximately 75 percent of domestic violence resulting in serious injuries occurs when the victim tries to leave the abuser.

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The Benefits of Collaborative Divorce for High-Income Couples

 Posted on August 24, 2021 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyer Divorce cases vary dramatically in complexity. A couple who rents their home, owns few assets, and does not have children can typically expect a relatively simple, straightforward divorce. The more high-value assets a couple owns, the more complicated the divorce process becomes. If you or your spouse have a high net worth, own a business or professional practice, or have substantial investments, you should know that your financial success will likely complicate your divorce. The good news is that there are several different ways to get divorced in Illinois. For many high-net-worth couples, a collaborative divorce is the right approach.

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Signs Your Spouse is Lying About Money During Your Divorce

 Posted on August 18, 2021 in Divorce

palatine divorce lawyerGetting divorced is as much a legal and financial process as it is an emotional process. Undoing the financial entanglement characteristic of a marriage relationship can be confusing, complicated, and often, exhausting. Spouses’ financial circumstances play a massive role in the division of marital property and debt, child support, and spousal maintenance determinations.

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How Can You Get Alimony in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on August 16, 2021 in Spousal Support

barrington divorce lawyerIf you are getting divorced in Illinois, you may be interested in learning about alimony laws. Alimony, also called spousal support or spousal maintenance, is financial support a spouse is ordered to pay the other spouse after the divorce. For many spouses, divorce creates a serious financial burden. This is especially true when a spouse has limited employability because he or she is disabled or was a homemaker or stay-at-home parent prior to the divorce. If you are worried about your ability to make ends meet without your soon-to-be ex-spouse’s income, you may want to seek financial assistance in the form of spousal support.

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Introducing The Law Office of Nicholas W. Richardson

Nicholas W. Richardson is an experienced divorce lawyer and mediator whose comprehensive legal knowledge, commitment to clients and reputation for results bring lasting solutions to your problems.

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